# NPM Scripts

Script Description
dev Run application in development mode and server component
generate Add new component, connected components or modules to the project
add Add official vuesion packages to the project
extract-i18n-messages Extract default i18n message from source code
test Run unit tests with jest
e2e Run e2e tests with cypress.io
lint Lint project files
clean Clean up project files
storybook:dev Run Storybook in development mode
storybook:build Generate static files from Storybook
update Update the project to the latest vuesion version
prettier Format project files with prettier
release:major Release a new major version of the project
release:minor Release a new minor version of the project
release:patch Release a new patch version of the project
build Build the project for production with server component
build:analyze Analyze the client bundle
build:spa Build the project for production without server component
start Run the compile server component in production mode
ci Script for integrating with the CI/CD service